Emeril Tristar Air Fryers Lawsuit Investigation 您所在的位置:网站首页 air fryer fire lawsuits emeril power xl tristar Emeril Tristar Air Fryers Lawsuit Investigation

Emeril Tristar Air Fryers Lawsuit Investigation

2023-07-30 12:37| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Class Actions

Emeril Tristar Power AirFryers Fire Class Action Lawsuit Investigation

By Consider The Consumer on 01/11/2021

Class Action Lawsuit For Emeril Tristar AirFryers 

If you’ve recently bought an Emeril Lagasse Power AirFryer 360, Tristar Power AirFryer Oven, or Tristar Power AirFryer XL, attorneys are investigating whether or not they can file a class action lawsuit.

They are noting different claims that the Emeril Tristar products may pose a fire hazard. They might also need to talk with people who experienced their air fryers catch smoke or fire, so they know more about this problem.

Specific air fryers have been getting a lot of bad press lately, where products catch smoke or fire, and experts are checking whether it is because of a defect in the air fryers.

What Else To Know About the Case?

There are claims where the products often activate themselves and fill the room with smoke until it triggers smoke alarms, which leads people to be on alert to make sure they unplug their Emeril Tristar products when not in use.

There was even a case where a woman woke up to the smell of smoke and found her Emeril 360 XL hot to touch, although it was turned off.

Asides from the devices posing as a fire hazard, people have also cited a few more issues with the products:

There are plastic parts that melt. Presence of oil leakage, grease, and drippings. The air fryers radiate excessive heat. The fans don’t work properly.

Have you bought an Emeril Lagasse Power AirFryer 360, Tristar Power AirFryer Oven, or the Tristar Power AirFryer XL? Don’t hesitate to contact us and share your experience.

Editor’s note on Emeril Tristar Power AirFryers Class Action Investigation:

This news feature is created to keep you updated and inform you of the latest class action news brought to light by parties involved in the lawsuit filed against the makers of the Emeril Tristar AirFryers.

If you have any questions or queries regarding this piece of news and its updates, please do send us a message by clicking the ‘Contact Us’ button below! We’d love to hear from you. 

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Similarly, please check out our current Class Action List and Lawsuit List, here.

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